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TLP can be used for children with learning disabilities and neurological challenges, for students wanting an edge in their academics, as well as to improve executive function in busy professionals.
The Listening Program
The Listening Program is an auditory program that consists of psychoacoustically modified classical music which trains the brain to process sound more efficiently. This leads to improvements in learning, attention, communication, reading, listening, sensory processing, social engagement, behavior, self-regulation, and activities of daily living.
The Listening Program’s psychoacoustically modified music is designed to stimulate or “exercise” the different functions of the auditory processing system. This enables the brain to better receive, process, store and utilize the valuable information provided through the varied soundscapes in our lives such as music, language and the environment in which we live.
Certain classical music, like that of Mozart, Haydn and Vivaldi, has specific structure, producing sound waves in organized patterns. Within these patterns are vital elements including time, frequency and volume. When listening to music, the ear is receiving the musical sound waves - waves that arrive in different frequencies, measured in Hertz (Hz). These frequencies stimulate the brain, and thus affect different functions of the mind and body.
The Listening Program combines decades of clinical research in several fields, including neurology, physiology, psychoacoustics, auditory processing, music theory and more. The method builds on the work of respected leaders in these fields, such as ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician Alfred A. Tomatis, M.D. (1920-2001). Among other discoveries, Dr. Tomatis helped identify the relationship between certain sound frequencies and their effect on functions of the mind and body. A simplified explanation of Dr. Tomatis’ findings shows that certain bands, or zones, of sound frequencies affect different abilities.
TLP is designed to address these zones, systematically providing auditory stimulation that can help improve a listener’s ability to function in a number of ways.
The Listening Program’s Modular Design takes the program a step farther, enabling listeners to effectively exercise the auditory processing system, providing “warm-up,” “workout” and “cool-down” phases.
The science of physical training (and practical application) shows that certain approaches are most effective, such as a gradual warm-up for muscle groups, followed by weight-resistance training, concluded by cool-down stretching.
Following a similar pattern, TLP music is divided into 15-minute modules. Within these modules, the first phase, “A,” relaxes the listener and prepares the auditory processing system for the more intensive stimulation of the “B” phase. The listener is then returned to a relaxed state during the final “C” phase.
This design is important because effective stimulation depends on more than carefully selected classical music and psychoacoustic enhancements. It also requires the listener’s auditory processing system to be prepared to receive the information.
When someone experiences stress or anxiety, as so many with auditory processing problems do, the ear cannot easily discriminate higher frequencies. This leads to a decline in auditory processing abilities. Further, research asserts that a listener needs to be relaxed in order for neural feedback to properly control and improve the function of the middle ear.
ABC Modular Design enhances the effect of Music-Based Auditory Stimulation preparing the listener, then providing just the right amount of stimulation, then restoring the listener to a state of relaxation. With TLP music, improving the auditory processing system is more than a therapeutic endeavor; it is a pleasurable, enlightening listening experience that has been clinically proven to help enhance abilities.
Numerous studies worldwide, including research at the University of Sheffield, provide empirical evidence that substantiate The Listening Program’s efficacy.
(Many of these studies can be reviewed at: www.advancedbrain.com/listeningprogramresearch.html)